Black-Hole Accretion Disks

S. Kato, J. Fukue, & S. Mineshige (1998, Kyoto University Press)

Accretion onto black holes is one of the most important concepts for understanding a variety of active phenomena in the universe, including active galactic nuclei (AGNs) and stellar-mass black-hole candidates (BHCs). Theoretical studies on black-hole accretion flows were initiated in the 1960's, and the classical picture of accretion disks was established by the early 1970's. As a large body of observational data were accumulated during these decades, however, gaps between the classical models and the observations became clear, especially concerning their high-energy emission properties. A distinct model had been awaited, and we now believe that advection-domination in energy transport is a key to opening a new era in the research of black-hole accretion disks.

From the late 1970's a group in Kyoto has been working on the theory of black-hole accretion flow. In view of the rapid progress during the 1990's and the growing interest in black-hole accretion these days, we have considered it necessary and timely to give a first systematic review on the new disk models in comparison with the classical ones, while emphasizing the results of our own work. This is the first textbook which extensively discusses various types of instabilities and oscillations (waves) in accretion disks.

The book has been designed so as to meet various requirements by the readers. Students who just start learning about black-hole accretion flow should first read Part I in order to obtain a basic understanding. If you wish to study the basic formulations of both the classical and modern disk models from fundamental levels, please read from Part II. Those who are already familiar with the classical models may start reading from Part III. All necessary ingredients, including the basic equations and important concepts for understanding, are repeated with some extension there.


Part I: Concepts of Accretion Disks

Chap. 1. Introduction
Chap. 2. Physical Processes Related to Accretion

Part II: Classical Picture

Chap. 3. Classical Models
Chap. 4. Secular and Thermal Instabilities
Chap. 5. Dwarf-Nova Type Instability
Chap. 6. Tidal Instability
Chap. 7. Steady Disk Accretion with Shocks

Part III: Modern Picture

Chap. 8. Equations to Construct Generalized Models
Chap. 9. Transonic Nature of Accretion Flows
Chap. 10. Advection-Dominated Accretion Flows
Chap. 11. Thermal Behavior of Advection-Dominated Disks
Chap. 12. Models of X-Ray Fluctuations

Part IV: Disk Oscillations and Waves

Chap. 13. Fundamentals of Disk Oscillations
Chap. 14. Viscous Pulsational Instability of Acoustic Waves
Chap. 15. Acoustic Perturbations in the Inner Region of Disks

Part V: Radiation, Magnetic Fields, and Turbulence

Chap. 16. Radiation Hydrodynamics
Chap. 17. Hydromagnetic Instabilities
Chap. 18. Turbulence in Accretion Disks


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