
ls *_005.fits > flattmp.tbl imcomb @flattmp.tbl flat005tmp.fits imstati flat005tmp # mean = 1967 imarith flat005tmp / 1967 flat005.fits ls ramp01* > tmp1.tbl !emacs tmp1.tbl # add _2_ and save as `tmp2.tbl` imarith @tmp1.tbl / flat005 @tmp2.tbl cl < test1_2 ****test1_2 (as others)***** imstatrej ramp05_2_001 3 > test1_2.tbl imstatrej ramp05_2_002 3 >> test1_2.tbl ............ imstatrej ramp05_2_008 3 >> test1_2.tbl !emacs tmp1.tbl !emacs tmp2.tbl # replace 01 to 02 imarith @tmp1.tbl / flat005 @tmp2.tbl !emacs test1_2 # replace 01 to 02 & test1 to test2 cl < test1_2 !emacs tmp1.tbl !emacs tmp2.tbl # replace 02 to 03 imarith @tmp1.tbl / flat005 @tmp2.tbl !emacs test1_2 # replace 02 to 03 & test2 to test3 save as test3_2 cl < test3_2 !emacs tmp1.tbl !emacs tmp2.tbl # replace 03 to 04 imarith @tmp1.tbl / flat005 @tmp2.tbl !emacs test3_2 # replace 03 to 04 & test3 to test4 save as test4_2 cl < test4_2 !emacs tmp1.tbl !emacs tmp2.tbl # replace 04 to 05 imarith @tmp1.tbl / flat005 @tmp2.tbl !emacs test4_2 # replace 04 to 05 & test4 to test5 save as test5_2 cl < test5_2 !emacs tmp1.tbl !emacs tmp2.tbl # replace 05 to 06 imarith @tmp1.tbl / flat005 @tmp2.tbl !emacs test5_2 # replace 05 to 06 & test5 to test6 save as test6_2 cl < test6_2 !emacs tmp1.tbl !emacs tmp2.tbl # replace 06 to 07 imarith @tmp1.tbl / flat005 @tmp2.tbl !emacs test6_2 # replace 06 to 07 & test6 to test7 save as test7_2 cl < test7_2 !emacs tmp1.tbl !emacs tmp2.tbl # replace 07 to 08 imarith @tmp1.tbl / flat005 @tmp2.tbl !emacs test7_2 # replace 07 to 08 & test7 to test8 save as test8_2 cl < test8_2


ls ramp*_020.fits > temp1.tbl imcomb @temp1.tbl ave020.fits !emacs temp1.tbl #add _ave_ save as temp2.tbl #add _avesa_ save as temp3.tbl imarith @temp1.tbl - ave020 @temp2.tbl imstati @temp2.tbl field=mean > mean020.tbl !emacs mean020.tbl # del 1st row imarith @temp2.tbl - @mean020.tbl @temp3.tbl imarith @temp3.tbl * @temp3.tbl @temp3.tbl imcomb @temp3.tbl stdr020 imfunc stdr020 stdr020 sqrt wfits stdr020.imh stdr020.fits imdel stdr020.imh imstati ave020.fits field=mean > count_mean.tbl imstati ave020.fits field=midpt > count_midpt.tbl imstati stdr020.fits field=mean > stddev_mean.tbl imstati stdr020.fits field=midpt > stddev_midpt.tbl * * * !emacs temp1.tbl #replace 020 to 060 as temm2,temp3 imcomb @temp1.tbl ave060.fits imarith @temp1.tbl - ave060 @temp2.tbl imstati @temp2.tbl field=mean > mean060.tbl !emacs mean060.tbl # del 1st row imarith @temp2.tbl - @mean060.tbl @temp3.tbl imarith @temp3.tbl * @temp3.tbl @temp3.tbl imcomb @temp3.tbl stdr060 imfunc stdr060 stdr060 sqrt wfits stdr060.imh stdr060.fits imdel stdr060.imh imstati ave060.fits field=mean >> count_mean.tbl imstati ave060.fits field=midpt >> count_midpt.tbl imstati stdr060.fits field=mean >> stddev_mean.tbl imstati stdr060.fits field=midpt >> stddev_midpt.tbl * * * !emacs temp1.tbl #replace 060 to 100 as temm2,temp3 imcomb @temp1.tbl ave100.fits imarith @temp1.tbl - ave100 @temp2.tbl imstati @temp2.tbl field=mean > mean100.tbl !emacs mean100.tbl # del 1st row imarith @temp2.tbl - @mean100.tbl @temp3.tbl imarith @temp3.tbl * @temp3.tbl @temp3.tbl imcomb @temp3.tbl stdr100 imfunc stdr100 stdr100 sqrt wfits stdr100.imh stdr100.fits imdel stdr100.imh imstati ave100.fits field=mean >> count_mean.tbl imstati ave100.fits field=midpt >> count_midpt.tbl imstati stdr100.fits field=mean >> stddev_mean.tbl imstati stdr100.fits field=midpt >> stddev_midpt.tbl !paste count_mean.tbl count_midpt.tbl stddev_mean.tbl stddev_midpt.tbl >> noisemap.tbl !rm count_mean.tbl count_midpt.tbl stddev_mean.tbl stddev_midpt.tbl !emacs noisemap.tbl # write index