AOsim.conf ファイルについて

AOシミュレータを動かすのに必要なファイルのひとつであるAOsim.conf ファイルの各パラメータについてまとめます。※日本語で説明しているところは確認した項目

# 全体 #

AOsize			256      size of all arrays
AOtimeMAX			シミュレーション全体の時間[秒]
			=>(現在2.0s 以上にできない。)
AOtimeSTART		シミュレーションを開始する時間[秒]
PUPIL_SCALE                0.050000       pupil scale - m per pixel (0.1 for AOsize=128, 0.05 for AOsize=256, 0.025 for AOsize=512 and 0.0125 for AOsize=1024)
LAMBDA			波長[um]
VSEEING			シーイング
REF_VSEEING		波面参照ファイルのシーイング
HBAR                       3.000000       equivalent turbulence height in km
SLAMBDA                    1.600000       wavelength for science acquisition in microns
ZENITH_ANGLE		Zenith Angle

# シミュレータ時にAOsim に行わせる事(1:する、0:しない) #

MAKE_PUPIL		望遠鏡の瞳を設定する(ここを用いる)
MAKE_WFSGEOM		波面センサのジオメトリを作る
MAKE_DMGEOM		可変鏡のアクチュエータパターンを作る
MAKE_DMIF			可変鏡の設定をする
MAKE_IMAT                  1       1 to force AOsim to make interaction matrix
MAKE_CMAT		   1 	   1 to force AOsim to compute the control matrix
MAKE_DMTT                  0       1 to force AOsim to make the DM tip/tilt modes

MAKE_PSF		PSFファイルを出力する(常に1にする)

# modal control
MODAL_CONTROL              1       1 is modal control
MAKE_AOMODES               1       1 to force AOsim to make the AO modes
AOMODES_BASE_FNAME         0       name of the base of AO modes none=> 0

# ------------------------------------------ #
# 1. AOsim wavefront series configuration file
# ------------------------------------------ #
# 波面 #

# Telescope pupil
# 望遠鏡の瞳に関する設定 #

CENTRAL_OBSTRUC		中央の穴(見えない)の半径
PUPIL_PA		波面センサ(可変鏡)からのPosition Angle
PUPIL_AMPL_FILE		瞳マップファイル名(default: tpupa.dat)
PUPIL_PHA_FILE		主鏡の位相マップファイル名(default: tpupp.dat)
STATIC_ERR                 0       1 is there is static pupil error
STATIC_PHASE_POWERLAWINDEX 2.000000       power law index of the static phase error PSD
STATIC_PHASE_RMSAMPL       0.300000       in microns

# wavefront parameter
# 波面の設定 #

WAVEFRONT_AMPLITUDE       0       0 if off, 1 if on
FRESNEL_PROPAGATION        0       0 if off, 1 if on
WF_RAW_SIZE                512       size of the raw wavefronts in the code
WFTIME_STEP                0.000500       time step in seconds
TIME_SPAN                  0.100000       time span for one continuous WF file
NB_TSPAN                   10       total number of time spans
WF_FILE_PREFIX             /home/moritani/Cfits/WF_files/S1/wf256_       file prefix for wavefronts
MAKE_SWAVEFRONT            0       1 if the wavefront series needs to be made at the science wavelength SLAMBDA
SWF_FILE_PREFIX            ../WF_files/swf1024_060_       file prefix for science wavefronts

MAKE_CWAVEFRONT            0       make wavefront series with cone effect
CWF_FILE_PREFIX            na       file prefix for cone effect wavefront
MASTER_SIZE                4096       size in pixels of master turbulence screens - names should be t_

POSITIONS_FILE              sourcepos.dat       list of postions for which the wavefronts need to be computed. Intermediate positions will be interpolated from those positions.

TURBULENCE_REF_WAVEL       0.500000       reference wavelength for wavefronts, in micron
TURBULENCE_SEEING          0.500000       seeing at the reference wavelenght
TURBULENCE_PROF_FILE       turbulence profile file
FRESNEL_PROPAGATION_BIN    1000.000000       in m

# Non-common path error

NON_COMMON_ERR             0       0 if no non-common path error
NCPE_PHASE_POWERLAWINDEX   2.000000       power law index of the non-common path phase error PSD
NCPE_PHASE_RMSAMPL         0.050000       in microns
NCPE_PHASE_FILE            ncpe_pha.dat       name of the non-common path phase error
NCPE_AMPL_FILE             ncpe_amp.dat       name of the non-common path amplitude error

# ------------------------------------------ #
# 2. Source parameters
# ------------------------------------------ #
# 光源 #

SOURCE_BRIGHTNESS          170000000.000000       in ph/s for the entire pupil
# [m=8 -> 1.7e8] 
SOURCE_TYPE                0       
# 0 is point source
# 1 is disk
# 2 is gaussian exp(-r*r)
# 3 is double star components of equal brightness
SOURCE_SIZE                5.500000       radius of the source in "

# ------------------------------------------ #
# 3. Laser guide star
# ------------------------------------------ #
# レーザーガイドスター #

TT_FROM_NGSTT              0       0 if no NGSTT, 1 if NGSTT
NGSTT_SOURCE_BRIGHTNESS    400000.000000       in ph/s for the entire pupil
NGSTT_POSITION_X           0.000000       in arcsec, relative to LGS
NGSTT_POSITION_Y           0.000000       in arcsec, relative to LGS

LGS_ON                     0      0 if off, 1 if on
LGS_BEAMSIZE               0.500000       in meter
LGS_FWHM                   0.300000       in meter
LGS_BRIGHTNESS             400000.000000       in ph/s for the entire pupil
SODIUM_LAYER_ALTITUDE      100.000000       in km
SODIUM_LAYER_THICKNESS     5.0            in km for zenith

# --- LGS TT loop --- #
LGSTT_LOOP_GAIN            0.100000       LGT TT loop gain

# --- NGS TT loop --- 4 cell APD #
NGSTT_CENTROID_GAIN_FWHM   0.600000       FWHM of gaussian used for centroid gain calibration in arcsec
NGSTT_MAX_CENTROID_SEP     4.000000       maximum computed centroid separation in arcsec
NGSTT_LOOP_GAIN            0.050000       NGS TT loop gain

# ------------------------------------------ #
# 4. AOsim configuration
# ------------------------------------------ #
# AOsimに関して #

# 4.1. ----------- WFS ----------------------
# 波面センサの設定 #

PHOTON_NOISE		フォトンノイズ(あり:1、なし:0)
DETECTOR_DARK_COUNT		素子ダーク[counts/s/detector]
WFS_FIXED_FUZZ		    0.0		fixed fuzz

# 4.1.a WFS geometry
# 波面センサのジオメトリの設定 #

DEFAULT_WFSGEOM		波面センサジオメトリの設定ファイル名(defoult: wfs_geom.dat)
WFSGEOM_maxrad		瞳径に対する大きさ
WFSGEOM_R0_N             18       number of points on ring 0
WFSGEOM_R1_N             24       number of points on ring 1
WFSGEOM_R2_N             30       number of points on ring 2
WFSGEOM_R3_N             36       number of points on ring 3
WFSGEOM_R4_N             40       number of points on ring 4
WFSGEOM_R5_N             40       number of points on ring 5
WFSGEOM_R6_N             0       number of points on ring 6
WFSGEOM_R7_N             0       number of points on ring 7
WFSGEOM_R8_N             0       number of points on ring 8
WFSGEOM_R9_N             0       number of points on ring 9
WFSGEOM_R0_R 0.335000
WFSGEOM_R1_R 0.458000
WFSGEOM_R2_R 0.581000
WFSGEOM_R3_R 0.704000
WFSGEOM_R4_R 0.827000
WFSGEOM_R6_R             0.000000       ring 6 radius
WFSGEOM_R7_R             0.000000       ring 7 radius
WFSGEOM_R8_R             0.000000       ring 8 radius
WFSGEOM_R9_R             0.000000       ring 9 radius
WFSGEOM_R0_PA            0.000000       angle offset on ring 0 in rad
WFSGEOM_R1_PA            0.130900       angle offset on ring 1 in rad
WFSGEOM_R2_PA            0.000000       angle offset on ring 2 in rad
WFSGEOM_R3_PA            0.087266       angle offset on ring 3 in rad
WFSGEOM_R4_PA            0.000000       angle offset on ring 4 in rad
WFSGEOM_R5_PA            0.078540       angle offset on ring 5 in rad
WFSGEOM_R6_PA            0.000000       angle offset on ring 6 in rad
WFSGEOM_R7_PA            0.000000       angle offset on ring 7 in rad
WFSGEOM_R8_PA            0.000000       angle offset on ring 8 in rad
WFSGEOM_R9_PA            0.000000       angle offset on ring 9 in rad

WFSGEOM_XSHIFT           0.000000
WFSGEOM_YSHIFT		 0.000000	Y shift of WFS (unit = beam radius)

# 4.2. ----------- DM ----------------------

# 4.2.a Deformable mirror

DM_NB_ACTUATORS             188       number of actuators
DEFAULT_DMGEOM              dm_geom.dat        file name of the DM actuator pattern
DMGEOM_minrad_min           0.020000        inner radius of inner electrodes
DMGEOM_minrad_max           0.500000        maximum outer radius of inner electrodes
DMGEOM_maxrad_min           0.031667        minimum inner radius of outer electrodes
DMGEOM_maxrad_max           1.250000        outer radius of outer electrodes
DMGEOM_gap                  0.020000        in unit of pupil radius

DM_DIAMETER                 120.000000        DM diameter in mm
BEAM_DIAMETER               90.000000        Beam diameter in mm
DM_GAIN                     0.015000        Gain of the DM in micron per V
DM_VSAT 		    400.000000
DM_HYSTERESIS               0.000000        hysteresis amplitude
DM_Vlim                     1000.000000        DM hysteresis limit
DM_beta                     4.000000        DM hysteresis coefficient

# 4.2.b Deformable mirror influence functions

MAKE_FROM_FEMDATA           0        make influence function from FEM data
FEMDATA_PREFIX              /home/moritani/Cfits/RAID0/work/DM_FEM/el        file prefix for FEMDATA
DEFAULT_DMIF                dm_if.dat        file name of the DM influence functions

# 4.4. ------------- Vibrating membrane ------------

VM_RADIUS                   2.500000        in arcseconds
VM_STROKE                   12.725000        in microns per volt (12.725 if AOsize=256)

# 4.3. ------------- Interaction Matrix -------------

PUPIL_IMAT                  0        0 if full beam, 1 if true telescope pupil
DEFAULT_IMAT                imat.dat        file name of the interaction matrix
IMAT_MKFAST                 0        1 to create imat from a list of already computed imats
IMAT_MKFAST_PREFIX          refimat.dat     prefix for imat FAST files
IMAT_DM_VOLTAGE             10.000000        Reference DM voltage for interaction matrix acquisition
IMAT_AOTIMEMAX              0.001500        time spent per actuator
NB_MODE_REMOVED             2        number of "invisible" modes removed

# 4.3.b. ----------- DM tip/tilt modes -------------

DEFAULT_DMTT                dmtt.dat        file name for the DM tip/tilt modes
DMTT_OFFSET                 0.200000        offset (arcsec) to measure the DM tip/tilt modes
DMTT_AOTIMEMAX              0.050000        closed loop time to measure the DM tip/tilt modes

# 4.4. ------------- Loop parameters -------------

AUTO_CONTROL                0        1 if the gain and stroke should be set automatically
LOOP_GAIN 		    0.3
SEC_LOOP_GAIN               0.000000        secondary loop gain (between 0 and 1)
LOOP_FREQU                  2000.000000        loop frequency
VM_VOLT                     2.6        vibrating membrane voltage
VM_IRIS_RADIUS 10.3000000
VM_IRIS_APO		    0        1 if the iris is apodized
AOTIME_NBSTEP               10       time step in AOsim. has to be an even number >0. (2,4,6,8 etc..)

VM_MULTISTROKE		0 		1 if multistroke WFS is enabled
VM_NBSTROKE		2		number of strokes in WFS
VM_NBSTROKE_MAX		3		number of strokes specified in this file

FLUX_LOOP_GAIN_0	1.0		flux gain for stroke 0
VM_VOLT_STROKE_0	15.0		vibrating membrane voltage for STROKE 0
VM_STROKE_TIME_0	0.5		fraction of time spent in stroke 0
VM_STROKE_FUZZ_0	0.94  		fuzz value for stroke 0
FLUX_LOOP_GAIN_1	1.0		flux gain for stroke 1
VM_VOLT_STROKE_1	3.0		vibrating membrane voltage for STROKE 1
VM_STROKE_TIME_1	0.5		fraction of time spent in stroke 1
VM_STROKE_FUZZ_1	0.0		fuzz value for stroke 1
FLUX_LOOP_GAIN_2	0.9		flux gain for stroke 2
VM_VOLT_STROKE_2	6.800493		vibrating membrane voltage for STROKE 2
VM_STROKE_TIME_2	0.548751		fraction of time spent in stroke 2
VM_STROKE_FUZZ_2	0.4		fuzz value for stroke 2

# ------------------------------------------------ #
# 5. simulator output
# ------------------------------------------------ #

START_MEASURE		出力ファイルの開始時間
END_MEASURE		出力ファイルの終了時間

# real-time outputs (written at least one per AO loop period - this is for debug purpose)

RT_WFSILL                   0        illumination in the wfs lenslet plane
RT_WFSILL_PERIOD            0        illumination in the wfs lenslet plane averaged over 1 period
RT_WF                       1        uncorrected incoming wavefront
RT_WFC                      1        corrected wavefront
RT_DM_WF                    0        shape of the DM
RT_DMV                      0        voltage figure of the DM
RT_DMH                      0        hysteresis figure of the DM
RT_WFSF                     0        flux figure of the WFS
RT_WFSC                     0        curvature signal figure of the WFS

RT_TXT_DMV                  1        text log file of DM voltages
RT_TXT_SR                   1        text log file of Strehl ratio
RT_TXT_MODES                1        text log file of modes values
RT_TXT_SINMODES             1	     text log file of sin modes values : sin(kx pi/2) with k=1 ... Kmax
RT_TXT_SINMODES_WRITE       1	     1 if full text log file, 0 if only variance
RT_TXT_SINMODES_KMAX        50	     max index of RT_TXT_SINMODES
RT_TXT_ZERMODES             1	     text log file of Zernike modes values
RT_TXT_ZERMODES_WRITE       1	     1 if full text log file, 0 if only variance
RT_TXT_ZERMODES_KMAX        500	     max index of RT_TXT_ZERMODES

# real time WFC ouptut

WFC_OUTPUT_ACTIVE		1:出力する、0:出力しない
WFC_OUTPUT_MODE		1:省スペース(容量)、0:通常
WFC_OUTPUT_LAMBDA		波長[um](default:1.600000)
WFC_OUTPUT_NAME		ファイル名(default:/home/moritani/Cfits/RAID0/tmp/WFC_files/S1/wfc_)
WFC_OUTPUT_CUBE             10        cube size of output wavefront files

# real time PSF outputs

NB_PSF_OUTPUTS              出力数:10のままでよい

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_0	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_0		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_0	   0	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_0	波長[um](default:0.550000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_0		ファイル名(default:PSF_V)
PSF_OFFSET_X_0             0.000000       offset 0 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_0             0.000000       offset 0 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_0          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_0          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_0          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_1	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_1		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_1	   0	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_1	波長[um](default:0.700000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_1		ファイル名(default:PSF_R)
PSF_OFFSET_X_1             0.000000       offset 0 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_1             0.000000       offset 0 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_1          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_1          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_1          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_2	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_2		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_2	   0	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_2	波長[um](default:0.900000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_2		ファイル名(default:PSF_I)
PSF_OFFSET_X_2             0.000000       offset 0 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_2             0.000000       offset 0 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_2          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_2          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_2          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_3	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_3		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_3	   0	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_3	波長[um](default:1.200000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_3		ファイル名(default:PSF_J)
PSF_OFFSET_X_3             0.000000       offset 0 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_3             0.000000       offset 0 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_3          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_3          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_3          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_4	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_4		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_4	   0	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_4	波長[um](default:1.600000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_4		ファイル名(default:PSF_H)
PSF_OFFSET_X_4             0.000000       offset 1 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_4             0.000000       offset 1 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_4          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_4          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_4          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_5	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_5		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_5	   0	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_5	波長[um](default:2.200000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_5		ファイル名(default:PSF_K)
PSF_OFFSET_X_5             0.000000       offset 2 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_5             0.000000       offset 2 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_5          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_5          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_5          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_6	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_6		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_6	   1	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_6	波長[um](default:0.700000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_6		ファイル名(default:PSF_Rc)
PSF_OFFSET_X_6             0.000000       offset 3 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_6             0.000000       offset 3 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_6          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_6          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_6          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_7	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_7		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_7	   1	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_7	波長[um](default:0.900000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_7		ファイル名(default:PSF_Ic)
PSF_OFFSET_X_7             0.000000       offset 3 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_7             0.000000       offset 3 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_7          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_7          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_7          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_8	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_8		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_8	   1	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_8	波長[um](default:1.200000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_8		ファイル名(default:PSF_Jc)
PSF_OFFSET_X_8             0.000000       offset 3 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_8             0.000000       offset 3 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_8          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_8          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_8          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_9	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_9		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_9	   1	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_9	波長[um](default:1.600000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_9		ファイル名(default:PSF_Hc)
PSF_OFFSET_X_9             0.000000       offset 4 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_9             0.000000       offset 4 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_9          2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_9          512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_9          400      cube size

PSF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE_10	1:出力する、0:出力しない
PSF_OUTPUT_TYPE_10		0:intensity、1:complex amplitude/phase、2:integrated intensity
PSF_OUTPUT_STATICRM_10	   1	   1 if the static complex amplitude component is removed
PSF_OUTPUT_LAMBDA_10	波長[um](default:2.200000)
PSF_OUTPUT_NAME_10		ファイル名(default:PSF_Kc)
PSF_OFFSET_X_10            0.000000       offset 4 from guide star in arcsec (x axis)
PSF_OFFSET_Y_10            0.000000       offset 4 from guide star in arcsec (y axis)
PSF_OUTPUT_MAGN_10         2       when it is n, the magnification factor is 2^n
PSF_OUTPUT_CROP_10         512      will crop image size to this size if it is less than 2^n*AOsize
PSF_OUTPUT_CUBE_10         400      cube size

# real time wavefront output

WF_OUTPUT_ACTIVE		1:出力する、0:出力しない
WF_OUTPUT_NAME		ファイル名(default:WFC_) この名前から始まるファイルが作られる(位相と振幅の2種類)

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