2. Performance

The performance of TriCCS mounted on the Seimei telescope is described below.

Pixel size 19 μm
Number of pixels 2,220 x 1,360
Number of effective pixels 2,160 x 1,280
Output bit depth 14 bit
Data size of a image 6 MByte
Maximum data size per night 8 TByte / CMOS
Maximum frame rate 98 fps with full-image readout
Bias count ~1,000 ADU
Linearity ~1% or better at < 12,000 ADU
Saturation count 16,383 ADU or 72,000 e-
Time stamp accuracy ~0.5 millisecond

Gain configuration x1 x2 x4 x8 x16 x32
Inverse gain [e-/ADU] 6.0 3.0 1.5 0.76 0.38 0.19
Saturation count [e-] 72,000 ~46,000 ~23,000 ~11,600 ~5,800 ~2,900
[ADU] ~13,000 16,383 16,383 16,383 16,383 16,383
Readout noise [e-] 28 14 7.1 4.0 2.6 2.2
Recommended exposure time per frame [seconds] -- >50 ~5-50 ~0.5-5 ~0.05-0.5 ~0.01-0.05
Saturation mag. in 10 sec.
exposure [AB mag]
g-band ~11.8 ~12.6 ~13.4 ~14.1 ~14.8 ~15.6
r-band ~11.6 ~12.3 ~13.1 ~13.8 ~14.6 ~15.3
i-band ~11.1 ~11.8 ~12.6 ~13.3 ~14.1 ~14.8
z-band ~9.8 ~10.6 ~11.3 ~12.1 ~12.8 ~13.6
including the bias count of ~1,000 ADU
seeing ~ 2 arcsec

# Optics
Pixel scale 0.350 arcsec / pixel
Total FoV 12.6 x 7.5 arcmin
Available filters g, r, i, and z-band

# Transmittance curve

component transmittance reflectance
Dielectric mirror 1
Dielectric mirror 2
† reflects g-band and transmits r, i, and z-bands
‡ reflects r-band and transmits i and z-bands
* The solid lines in the graphs indicate the transmittance or reflectance for the incident light angle of 45 degrees.

component transmittance
png, csv
png, csv
png, csv
png, csv
* The lines indicate the transmittance for the incident light angle of 0 degree.

# Other information
Overhead time in sequence CMOS read 0.4 millisecond
Overhead time in fits file creation 3 seconds
Typical time of filter exchange 10-20 seconds
Observers specify the exposure time of a frame and the number of frames in a command and then obtain a fits file of a stack of the images. Overhead time in sequence CMOS read means that between the successive frames in the command.