
The Mass-Metallicity Relation with the Direct Method on Stacked Spectra of SDSS Galaxies

Brett H. Andrews, Paul Martini




Sample Selection

Stacking Procedure

Stellar Continuum Subtraction

Automated Line Flux Measurements

Electron Temperature and Direct Abundance Determination

Electron Temperatures

Ionic and Total Abundances

Strong Line Metallicities

How Does Stacking Affect Measured Electron Temperatures and Metallicities?

The Mass-Metallicity Relation and Mass-Metallicity-SFR Relation

The Mass-Metallicity Relation

Mass-Metallicity-SFR Relation

The Fundamental Metallicity Relation

N/O Abundance


Comparison to a Previous Analysis That Used Auroral Lines from Stacked Spectra

Temperature and Metallicity Discrepancies

Strong Line Calibrations and the SFR-dependence of the FMR






HeII emitters in the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey: PopIII star formation or peculiar stellar populations in galaxies at 2<z<4.6?

P. Cassata, O. Le Fevre, S. Charlot, T. Contini, O. Cucciati, B. Garilli, G. Zamorani, C. Adami, S. Bardelli, V. Le Brun, B. Lemaux, D. Maccagni, A. Pollo, L. Pozzetti, L. Tresse, D. Vergani, A. Zanichelli, E. Zucca

CIV がなく、HeII が検出される天体は 10% 程度存在するが、
PopIII star ではなくて WR 星であると考えられる。

Optical Design and Active Optics Methods in Astronomy

Gerard R. Lemaitre


Fiber scrambling for high-resolution spectrographs. I. Lick Observatory

Julien F.P. Spronck, Debra A. Fischer, Zachary A. Kaplan, Christian Schwab, Andrew Szymkowiak

ファイバーに一旦光を通すほうが分光器の PSF が安定する

On the nature of the red, 2MASS selected AGN in the local Universe I: an optical spectroscopic study

Marvin Rose, Clive Tadhunter, Joanna Holt, Javier Rodri'guez Zauri'n

Red QSO を幾つか調べたが、out flow 速度や Eddington ratio など通常の QSO と同じだった