
A Novel Method to Identify AGNs Based on Emission Line Excess and the Nature of Low-luminosity AGNs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey I / II

Masayuki Tanaka

arXiv: 1111.0132, 1111.0133

A new method

Sloan Digital Sky Survey

Spectral fitting

Accuracy of SFRs and extinction from the spectral fits and the predicted LSF

Line of choice: Hα, [OII], or [OIII]?

Comparisons between Oxygen-excess, BPT, X-ray and radio sources

Stacked objects on the BPT diagram

X-ray sources

FIRST sources

Dust in AGNs and AGN power indicator

Extinction in AGNs

A new indicator of AGN power and comparisons with X-ray power

Possible evidence against a dominant role of post-AGB photo-ionization

Comparisons with radio power

Is [OII] an indicator of SFRs of AGN host galaxies?

Nature of the Oxygen-excess objects: AGN activities and the host galaxy properties

Dependence of AGN fraction on Stellar mass, Color, SFR and Morphology

Dependence of LINERs and Seyferts on host galaxies

Correlations between AGN activity and host galaxy properties

The co-evolution of black holes and host galaxies