

Items Start End
Prepare 4 tables from the FITS header FITS header Object list
Pair table
Redshift table
Magnitude table
Prepare exposure list --- Exposure list
Primary reduction
  • Sky subtraction
  • Flat fielding
  • Bad pixels interpolation
  • Distortion correction
  • Residual background subtraction
  • 2ndary bad pixels interpolation
Check the position error of the spines FITS header
Combine sets of images
Secondary background subtraction
Final bad pixels interpolation
Correct the shape of the mask edge
Invert, rearrange & combine two positions into one
Check the positions of the expected emission lines Redshift table
Make objest masks & reduction again
Square noise image
Wavelength and Flux Calibration

### Reduction Procedure for IRS1 ###

##### Prepare files #####
### Edit s2o file to make pair-table and mag table ###
!../picktable FMSA00004039.fits > tmp1
!cut -d"|" -f12 tmp1 > tmp2
!paste tmp2 tmp1 > tmp3
!sort -n tmp3 > tmp4
!../listcomb ../irs1_spine_slit.tbl tmp4 | cut -f2,4 > tmp5
!sort -n tmp5 | sed -e 's/Dummy BS target for/Dummy:/g' > irs1_sample1.tbl
cat irs1_sample1.tbl
#column 1: IRS1 spectrum No. (1-200 from bottom to top)
#column 2: Corresponding lines of the s2o file

### Create pair table for combine ###
!grep "Dummy:" irs1_sample1.tbl | cut -f1 > tmp1a
!grep "Dummy:" irs1_sample1.tbl | cut -d"|" -f2 | sed -e 's/Dummy: //g' > tmp1b
!paste tmp1b tmp1a > tmp1
!grep -v "Dummy:" irs1_sample1.tbl | cut -f1 > tmp2a
!grep -v "Dummy:" irs1_sample1.tbl | cut -d"|" -f2 | cut -c-20 > tmp2b
!paste tmp2b tmp2a > tmp2
!../listcomb tmp1 tmp2 | cut -f2,4 > tmp3
!../listcomb tmp1 tmp2 - | cut -f2 > tmp4
!paste tmp4 tmp4 >> tmp3
!mv tmp3 irs1_sample1_pair.tbl
cat irs1_sample1_pair.tbl
#column 1: IRS1 spectrum No. of the objects in Pos.2.
#column 2: IRS1 spectrum No. of the correspoinding objects in Pos.1.
#Object only in Pos.2 => column 1 = column 2
#Object only in Pos.1 => not listed in this file

### Create redshift table for linepos ###
!grep -v "Dummy:" irs1_sample1.tbl | cut -f1 > tmp0
!cut -f2 irs1_sample1_pair.tbl > tmp1
!../listcomb tmp1 tmp0 - >> tmp0
!cut -f1 irs1_sample1.tbl > tmp2
#!less irs1_sample1.tbl
#search keyword "zp=" and "zs=" in the s2o file
#9.999 indicates "No data" in this case
!../readarg irs1_sample1.tbl zp= -1 | sed -e 's/9\.999/-1/g' > tmp3
!../readarg irs1_sample1.tbl zs= -1 | sed -e 's/9\.999/-1/g' > tmp4
!paste tmp2 tmp3 | grep -v "\-1" | sed -e 's/$/ 0.01/g' > tmp5
!paste tmp2 tmp3 | grep "\-1" >> tmp5
!paste tmp2 tmp4 | grep -v "\-1" > tmp6
!../listcomb tmp5 tmp6 - >> tmp6
!../listcomb tmp0 tmp6 | cut -f2- | sort -n > irs1_sample1_fib_z.tbl
cat irs1_sample1_fib_z.tbl
#column 1: IRS1 spectrum No.
#column 2: Expected redshifts (-1: No data)
#column 3: Typical error of the estimated redshifts (e.g. nothing for spec-z and 0.01 for phot-z)

### Create magnitude table for mag_fnu plot ###
!grep -v "Dummy:" irs1_sample1.tbl | cut -f1 > tmp1
!grep -v "Dummy:" irs1_sample1.tbl > tmp2
#!less tmp2
#if column 12 shows Jmag
#!cut -d"|" -f12 tmp2 > tmp3
#else search keyword "J=" in the s2o file
!../readarg tmp2 J= 99.99 > tmp3
!../readarg tmp2 H= 99.99 > tmp4
!../readarg tmp2 K= 99.99 > tmp5
#if they are Vega magnitudes...
#!../readarg tmp2 J= 99.99 | awk '{if($1>90) print $1;else print $1+0.870}' > tmp3
#!../readarg tmp2 H= 99.99 | awk '{if($1>90) print $1;else print $1+1.348}' > tmp4
#!../readarg tmp2 K= 99.99 | awk '{if($1>90) print $1;else print $1+1.858}' > tmp5
!paste -d" " tmp3 tmp4 tmp5 | awk '{if($1<90 && $2>90 && $3<90) print $1,($1+$3)/2;else print $1,$2}' > tmp6
#!paste -d" " tmp3 tmp4 tmp5 | awk '{if($1<90 && $2>90 && $3<90) print $1,(($1-0.870)*0.2+($3-1.858)*0.8)+1.348;else print $1,$2}' > tmp6
!paste tmp1 tmp6 | grep -v "99\.99 99\.99" > irs1_sample1_mag.tbl
cat irs1_sample1_mag.tbl
#column 1: IRS1 spectrum No. of Pos.1 fibers.
#column 2: J-mag (AB) (No Data => 99.99)
#column 3: H-mag (AB) (No Data => 99.99)

##### Object Image #####
### Make the exposure list ###
!echo "a FMSA00004039 FMSA00004041" >  irs1_sample1_lr.tbl
!echo "b FMSA00004043 FMSA00004045" >> irs1_sample1_lr.tbl
!echo "c FMSA00004047 FMSA00004049" >> irs1_sample1_lr.tbl
!echo "d FMSA00004051 FMSA00004053" >> irs1_sample1_lr.tbl
#Delimiter must be " ".
#No ".fits" should be attached.
#Use "NONE" if the correnponding exposure was not taken.
#The middle column should be object frames in the BS mode, and use
#"NONE" for the first image when the first frame is the sky image.
#For quick look during the observation,
# * Prepare this list to the end of the expected exposure.
# * Do "!../mkscr...", "!sed ...", and "cl <" lines in the
#     next section after every pos.1 of pair exposure is taken.
# * Do the completed part in "redproc_irs1_TARGET_NAME_MODEA" script
#     using cut & paste by mouse.

### Check sky frame (BS mode only) ###
##If you want to recheck all the sky images, delete *sub*.fits files first.
#!../mkscr2 irs1_sample1_lr.tbl lr
#cl <

### Primary reduction ###
#Replace 'CBS' with 'BS' (or 'BS+') for BS (BS for bright object) mode
#If you restart all from here...
#imdel irs1_sample1*_lr.fits
!../mkscr irs1_sample1_lr.tbl CBS > redproc_irs1_sample1_lrB
!sed -e 's/imcopy/#imcopy/g' redproc_irs1_sample1_lrB | sed -e 's/#cl/cl/g' > redproc_irs1_sample1_lrA
cl <
cl < redproc_irs1_sample1_lrA
#If you have the object mask, send this line instead of above one.
#(This line is used for the 2ndary reduction...)
cl < redproc_irs1_sample1_lrB

### Check Spine Allocation ###
imdel irs1_sample1_lr_spineerror
#CBS mode
!../spineerror irs1_sample1_lr.tbl irs1_sample1_pair.tbl
#BS mode
#!../spineerror irs1_sample1_lr.tbl
displ irs1_sample1_lr_spineerror 1

### Combine ###
!ls irs1_sample1?_lrxpb.fits > irs1_sample1_lrxpb.tbl
mdisp @irs1_sample1_lrxpb.tbl 0
#Make sure the bright object in each subset has the same y-position.
#Remove imcomplete pair from the list
#emacs irs1_M38_lrxpb.tbl &
!sed -e 's/b\.fits/_bpm\.fits/g' irs1_sample1_lrxpb.tbl > irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm.tbl
imdel irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm.fits
imcomb @irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm.tbl irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm.fits
displ irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm 2 zs- zr- z1=1 z2=0
imdel irs1_sample1_lrxpb.fits
imcomb @irs1_sample1_lrxpb.tbl irs1_sample1_lrxpb.fits
displ irs1_sample1_lrxpb 1

### Secondary Residual Sky Subtraction ###
#For CBS mode or BS mode (faint objects)
!sed -e 's/FMSAfileno/irs1_sample1_lr/g' ../redscr3 | sed -e 's/BAND/lr/g' > tmpscr
#For BS mode (bright objects)
#!sed -e 's/FMSAfileno/irs1_sample1_lr/g' ../redscr3 | sed -e 's/BAND/lr/g' | sed -e 's/high_r=2 low_r=2/high_r=1.5 low_r=3/g' > tmpscr
cl < tmpscr
#If you don't want to accept this result,
#imdel irs1_sample1_lryp
#imcopy irs1_sample1_lrxpb irs1_sample1_lryp.fits

### Final Bad pix Correction ###
!sed -e 's/FMSAfileno/irs1_sample1_lryp/g' ../redscrb | sed -e 's/\/ 10/\/ 1/g' | sed -e 's/convolve/#convolve/g' > tmpscr
cl < tmpscr
imdel irs1_sample1_lrypb0,irs1_cont_sample1_lra,irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm0.fits
imcopy irs1_sample1_lrypb.fits irs1_sample1_lrypb0.fits
imcopy irs1_cont_lra.fits irs1_cont_sample1_lra.fits
imcopy irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm.fits irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm0.fits
displ irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm 4 zs- zr- z1=1 z2=0

### Mask edge correction ###
imdel irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits
!../adjflat irs1_sample1_lrypb0.fits irs1_flat_lra.fits irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits
imrepl irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits 0.5 upper=0.5
imrepl irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits 2   lower=2
imdel irs1_sample1_lrypb
magnify irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits 1. 9. y1=0.5 y2=200.4999 interpo=nearest boundar=nearest fluxcon-
imarith irs1_sample1_lrypb0.fits / irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits irs1_sample1_lrypb.fits

### CBS Combine (CBS mode only) ###
imdel tmp1,tmp2,irs1_cont_sample1_lra
imcopy irs1_cont_lra tmp1
!../matchpair tmp1.fits irs1_sample1_pair.tbl tmp2.fits irs1_cont_lra.dat
imcomb tmp1,tmp2 irs1_cont_sample1_lra.fits lthresh=-99990.
imdel irs1_sample1_lrypb1,irs1_sample1_lrypb2,irs1_sample1_lrypb
imarith irs1_sample1_lrypb0.fits / irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits irs1_sample1_lrypb1.fits
!../matchpair irs1_sample1_lrypb1.fits irs1_sample1_pair.tbl irs1_sample1_lrypb2.fits irs1_cont_lra.dat
displ irs1_sample1_lrypb1 1 zs- zr- z1=-20 z2=20
displ irs1_sample1_lrypb2 2 zs- zr- z1=-20 z2=20
imcomb irs1_sample1_lrypb1,irs1_sample1_lrypb2 irs1_sample1_lrypb.fits lthresh=-99990.
##If you have one more image to join...(replace "X" to the name of the extra set)
#imcopy irs1_sample1_lr_mask.fits irs1_sample1X_lr_mask.fits
#!sed -e 's/FMSAfileno/irs1_sample1X_lr/g' ../redscr3 | sed -e 's/BAND/lr/g' > tmpscr
#cl < tmpscr
#!sed -e 's/FMSAfileno/irs1_sample1X_lryp/g' ../redscrb | sed -e 's/\/ 10/\/ 1/g' > tmpscr
#cl < tmpscr
#imdel irs1_sample1X_lrypb1.fits,irs1_sample1X_lrypb2.fits,irs1_sample1X_lr_mask.fits
#imarith irs1_sample1X_lrypb.fits / irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits irs1_sample1X_lrypb1.fits
#!../matchpair irs1_sample1X_lrypb1.fits irs1_sample1_pair.tbl irs1_sample1X_lrypb2.fits irs1_cont_lra.dat
#imdel tmp1
#imrename irs1_sample1_lrypb tmp1
## If you have 3 complete pair...
#!echo -e 3"\n"1 > tmp1
##If you want to add pos.A (lrypb1)...
#imcomb tmp1,irs1_sample1X_lrypb1 irs1_sample1_lrypb weight=@tmp1 lthresh=-99990.
displ irs1_sample1_lrypb 3 zs- zr- z1=-20 z2=20
imdel irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm1,irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm2,irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm
imcopy irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm0 irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm1
!../matchpair irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm1.fits irs1_sample1_pair.tbl irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm2.fits irs1_cont_lra.dat
imarith irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm2.fits * -1 irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm2.fits
imrepl irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm2.fits -99999. lower=99990
imcomb irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm1,irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm2 irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm.fits lthresh=-99990.
displ irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm 4 zs- zr- z1=1 z2=0

### Position of the Expected Emission Lines ###
imdel irs1_sample1_linepos_lr.fits
!../linepos irs1_sample1_fib_z.tbl ../linepos.dat irs1_ar_lrw.fits irs1_sample1_linepos_lr.fits
displ irs1_sample1_lrypb 1 zs- zr- z1=-20 z2=20
displ irs1_sample1_linepos_lr 2 zs- zr- z1=0 z2=10

### Object Mask ###
imdel tmp1,tmp2
magnify irs1_sample1_lr_mask tmp1 1. 9. y1=0.5 y2=200.4999 interpo=nearest boundar=nearest fluxcon-
imarith irs1_sample1_lrypb * tmp1 tmp1
imedit tmp1 tmp2 aperture=square radius=1 value=-99999.
#press "e" where you want to put mask (undo: "u") and press "q" to quit.
#To remove mask, press "e" at the mask position. 
!../maskrepl irs1_sample1_lr_mask.fits tmp2.fits irs1_sample1_pair.tbl
#Repeat this section (red lines) until all the masks are fixed.
#If more than half spectra are automatically masked, reduce the order of fit1d commands in ../redscr2, ../redscr2s,
#  and ../redscr3 to surpress the background rolling.
#If you want to apply this object mask, make reduction again from "cl < redproc_irs1_sample1_lrB"

### Noise^2 Frame (for faint object ONLY!) ###
#Output file: irs1_sample1_lrypb0_nosq.fits
#CBS mode
!../mknoise irs1_sample1_lrypb0.fits irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits irs1_sample1_pair.tbl irs1_cont_lra.dat
#BS mode
#!../mknoise irs1_sample1_lrypb0.fits irs1_flat_sample1_lra.fits

### Wavelength and Flux Calibration (Absorption Correction) ###
#Set aperture mask for each spectra
!echo "0.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5" > extract.dat
minmax irs1_sample1_lrypb
displ irs1_sample1_lrypb 1 zs- zr+
cat irs1_sample1_mag.tbl
#Choose a bright star for the spectrum reference and put the number (int(y/9)+1) for the last argument of the next command (replace "XX").
#You can use an extra argument of the airmass value to improve the accuracy of automatic type-judgement, such as "...ypbw.fits 15 108 1.95".
#Or, if you know the spectral type of this reference star, you can use the argument as the spectral type like "...ypbw.fits 15 108 K2III".
#When you run it with this mode, the parameters for automatic type-judgement are recalibrated and dumped to "conv_w_fnu.dat".
#If you want to reset the parameters, please delete "conv_w_fnu.dat".
#Note that #26,#95,#102,#115,#119,#128,#135,#143,#147,#152,#156,#174 fibers are unstable.
imdel irs1_sample1_lrypbw,check,irs1_sample1_lrypw_bpm
!../conv_w_fnu irs1_sample1_lrypb.fits irs1_ar_lrw.fits irs1_cont_sample1_lra.fits irs1_sample1_lrypbw.fits 15 163
!../conv_w_fnu irs1_sample1_lryp_bpm.fits irs1_ar_lrw.fits irs1_cont_sample1_lra.fits irs1_sample1_lrypw_bpm.fits
#Reddening correction (XX is the same vlue of above, and MAG is the expected extinction calue.)
#imdel irs1_sample1_lrypbw,check,tmp1
#!../extinc irs1_ar_lrw.fits XX MAG tmp1.fits
#imarith irs1_sample1_lrypb / tmp1 tmp1
#!../conv_w_fnu tmp1.fits irs1_ar_lrw.fits irs1_cont_sample1_lra.fits irs1_sample1_lrypbw.fits 15 XX
##If you want more, compare "check.fits" to the typical thruoughput "../checksum.fits".
displ irs1_sample1_lrypbw 1
displ irs1_sample1_lrypw_bpm 2 zs- zr- z1=1 z2=0
#0.9um(x=1), 5A/pix, 1count=1uJy (within the fiber aperture) in this image.
imdel irs1_sample1_lrypbwx.fits,irs1_sample1_lrypbwx_no.fits
!../extract2 irs1_sample1_lrypbw.fits irs1_sample1_lrypbwx.fits
!../extract2 irs1_sample1_lrypbw_nosq.fits irs1_sample1_lrypbwx_no.fits
imfunc irs1_sample1_lrypbwx_no.fits irs1_sample1_lrypbwx_no.fits sqrt
displ irs1_sample1_lrypbwx 3
#0.9um(x=1), 5A/pix, 1count=1uJy (within the fiber aperture) in this image.
imdel tmp1
#Mask the data where the relative throughput is less than 5% with +2 pix growing
#!../fillmask irs1_sample1_lrypbwx.fits 0.05 check.fits tmp1.fits 2
#or noise level larger than 3*(typical noise level) with +2 pix growing
!../fillmask irs1_sample1_lrypbwx.fits 3 irs1_sample1_lrypbwx_no.fits tmp1.fits 2
#splot tmp1
box tmp1.fits tmp1.fits 5 1
!../fits2txt irs1_sample1_lrypbwx_no.fits > plot2.tbl
#Mask the data where the relative throughput is less than 5% with +2 pix growing
#!../fits2txt tmp1.fits 0.05 check.fits 2 > plot.tbl
#or noise level larger than 3*(typical noise level) with +2 pix growing
!../fits2txt tmp1.fits 3 irs1_sample1_lrypbwx_no.fits 2 > plot.tbl
!grep -v "\-1" irs1_sample1_fib_z.tbl > plot_z.tbl
!../listcomb irs1_sample1_mag.tbl check.txt | cut -f1,2,4 > mag_fnu.tbl
#Make sure the J-H colors of the objects are consistent with the catalog by the following plot.

##### Plot by gnuplot #####
!gnuplot < ../mag_fnu.gnuplot | evince &
!cp mag_fnu.tbl irs1_sample1_lr_mag_fnu.tbl

!grep 59 plot_z.tbl
!sed -e 's/NUM/59/g' ../plot_ind2.gnuplot| sed -e 's/REDSHIFT/0.0/g' > tmp.gnuplot
!gnuplot < tmp.gnuplot
!evince &
#multi-plots (10 spectrum from specified)
#In this case, 51 -- 60
!sed -e 's/NUM/51/g' ../plot_ind3.gnuplot| sed -e 's/REDSHIFT/0.0/g' > tmp.gnuplot
!gnuplot < tmp.gnuplot
!evince &

##### Plot by SuperMongo #####
!sm < ../
!cp mag_fnu.tbl irs1_sample1_lr_mag_fnu.tbl
!sed -e 's/NUM/163/g' ../ | sed -e 's/SCALE/-1/g' >
!sm <
!sed -e 's/NUM/102/g' ../ | sed -e 's/SCALE/-1/g' >
!sm <
!sed -e 's/NUM/183/g' ../ | sed -e 's/SCALE/-1/g' >
!sm <
#Plot by object flux (>100uJy)
!sed -e 's/FROM/1/g' ../ | sed -e 's/TO/200/g' | sed -e 's/THRE/100/g' >
!sm <

##### END #####