In the recent issue of Astronomical Journal (113, 1395), J. Alves et al. report on the discovery of an optical outburst of the pre-main sequence star CB34V. The object rose from 20.5 (POSS B) or 18.0 (POSS E) in 1951 to V=15.43 or I=13.28 in 1996 Feb. The authors of the paper suggest that the outburst is either a high accretion episode (as in FU Ori stars) or time-variable extinction due to the motions of the non-uniform circumstellar envelope. Although the authors favored the latter explanation, they concluded that the object could not fit any of the known type of pre-main sequence variability.
CB34V is located at: 05h 47m 03s.8 (J2000.0) +21o 00' 35"
Being sufficiently bright in I, this object would be a good target for CCD long-term monitoring.
Taichi Kato
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