V1039 Cen

After smooth fading in 2001, this nova showed large oscillations with timescale of days from the beginning of 2002 (vsnet-campaign-nova 664, 667, 764, 797, 805, 825, 830, 844, 890, 897, 932, 963)

A. Retter reported that observations by M. Bos showed ~1.7-h modulations with a full amplitude of ~0.05 mag. He also proposed three interpretations of the modulations; orbital period, superhump period, or spin period (vsnet-campaign-nova 845).  He further reported the detection of two possible periodicity: ~1.8 hr, which is presumably the orbital period, and ~20 min, which is probably the spin period.  He suggested that this nova is an intermediate polar (vsnet-campaign-nova 884).

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