RX And

Observations in November indicated that the unusual Z Cam-type dwarf nova with occasional low states, RX And, may have entered its low (faint) state. Since the last small outburst around November 3-4, no brightening has been observed. This small outburst followed a bright outburst in late November. The present behavior seems to reproduce the start of the 1996 August-September event. The 1996 August-September event was the first event which revealed the peculiarity of RX And. The faint state lasted until 1997 January (vsnet-campaign-dn 2904, 3033). A new outburst was detected on November 19 by E. Muyllaert.  The possible low state had finished, but the outburst interval is rather unusual (vsnet-campaign-dn 3042).  A new outburst was detected on December 6 when it was 12.8mag as reported by T. Kinnunen, and then it further brightened.  The outburst cycle may be unexpectedly short (vsnet-campaign-dn 3085).

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Paper by T. Kato et al.:

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