PU Per

M. Simonsen reported on November 1 that the SU UMa-type dwarf nova, PU Per was in a rare, bright (14.7mag) outburst. The last reported outburst of PU Per occurred in 1998 September. Its large outburst amplitude and long recurrent time suggest that the object may be related to WZ Sge-type stars (vsnet-campaign-dn 2959). In the light curve taken by D. Starkey, small-amplitude variations were likely present, while there was no distinct superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 2962). The time-series observation by G. Billings on November 2 yielded a light curve showing a rather rapid linear fading, with 0.1-mag fluctuations. T. Kato commented that, judging from this   behavior and the short-term variations, the outburst may be a normal outburst, or a precursor outburst of an expected superoutburst (vsnet-campaign-dn 2963, 2967). The object further faded by 1.5mag on November 3, which supports that the outburst was a normal one (vsnet-campaign-dn 2970, 2976, 2979).


CCD image taken by D. Starkey:
[vsnet-campaign-dn 2961]

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