DM Lyr: Short? Superoutburst in October-November

The SU UMa-type dwarf nova DM Lyr experienced an outburst, as reported by M. Simonsen on October 31. The magnitude (14.4mag) may suggest a superoutburst. No definite superoutburst has been reported since 2000 July (vsnet-campaign-dn 2952, 2966).  In the light curve taken on Noveber 1 by K. Torii, there was no prominent superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 2983). On Nov. 4, fully grown superhumps with amplitudes of 0.3-0.4 mag was observed (vsnet-campaign-dn 3000). Observations by K. Torii showed that DM Lyr was still bright on Nov. 8, and entered the rapid decline stage on Nov. 9 (vsnet-campaign-dn 3022). This superoutburst was somewhat unusual in its short duration (~10 d or slightly less) (vsnet-campaign-dn 2972, 2996, 3003, 3013).

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