TV Crv : Rare superoutburst in February

On February 18, M. Simonsen detected a rare outburst of the SU UMa-type dwarf nova TV Crv at 12.9mag. The last normal outburst occurred in 2000 March and the last superoutburst was observed in 1998 May (vsnet-campaign 767). The Kyoto team succeeded in obtaining the light curve in very early phase of the outburst. The light curve on February 18 and 19 showed modulations with 0.1mag amplitude, but the profile is not similar to normal superhumps and may be related to early superhumps (vsnet-campaign 781). On February 19, the Kyoto team and S. Yoshida detected "super-QPOs", giant quasi-periodic oscillations only seen at the early (or fading) epochs of some SU UMa-type systems. The super-QPOs in TV Crv had an amplitude of ~0.1 mag, and a typical period of 10 min. The Kyoto observation on Feb. 20 showed fully developed superhumps. The development of superhumps took 2 or 3 days after the ignition of the outburst (vsnet-campaign 785). In the light curve taken on February 20-24 at Kyoto, we can see prominent superhumps with slightly smaller amplitude (vsnet-campaign 795). M. Uemura reported the superhump period of 0.065024 day using the data by the Kyoto team (vsnet-campaign-dn 547). The superoutburst continued until March 4 when M. Uemura reported it entered a rapid decline phase (vsnet-campaign-dn 572).

Other related articles: vsnet-campaign 768, 769, 770, 786, vsnet-campaign-dn 506, 509, 512, 518, 522, 526, 536, 560, 543, 550, 563

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