V550 Cyg: Large-amplitude superoutburst on August

As reported by T. Kunninen, the poorly studied dwarf nova V550 Cyg started an outburst on August 17-19. This is the first reported outburst to VSNET (vsnet-campaign 431). P. Schmeer detected V550 Cyg at mag 16 on an unfiltered CCD image taken with the IRO on 2000 Jan. 9.115 UT (vsnet-alert 3993) and commented that the dwarf nova was caught either during the final stage of an outburst or at a minor brightening (vsnet-campaign 432). The Ouda observation team detected superhumps with an amplitude of ~0.3 mag using the data on August 20 (vsnet-campaign 434).

T. Kato found on August 21 that the real position seems to be slightly east to the DWS position by comparing the images (in outburst) and available charts (vsnet-campaign-dn 115). On August 22, Ouda team reported the revised superhump period of 0.0682 d, or its alias 0.0639 d and that there is an evidence of super-QPOs around every superhump minimum (vsnet-campaign 436). J. Pietz provided time-series data which confirms the presence of superhumps (vsnet-campaign-dn 117). H. Yamaoka performed astrometry using the images taken at Ouda and reported that the object observed by O'Conner (vsnet-obs 29250) is not the real V550 Cyg, and the position mentioned on (vsnet-campaign 435) is incorrect. And, the real V550 Cyg is about 3" east or east-southeast from the DWS position and the position of the candidate of V550 Cyg at quiescent (Skiff, 1999, IBVS 4675). Further, on the DSS2 Bj images, the faint object (19.5-20.0) lies on the neighbour of the position. The amplitude of this CV is therefore quite large, likely more than 5 magnitude (vsnet-campaign-dn 120, vsnet-campaign 447). The fading from the superoutburst was observed in the end of August. The observation by T. Kinnunen shows the magnitude on August 28 to be 16.2mag (vsnet-campaign-dn 129).

Light Curve and General Information of This Object