SN 1998cl in NGC 4501

(vsnet-alert 3066)

(CCD image by F. Ewalt)

Dear SN watchers,

Bright SN has been discovered by LOSS KAIT team. See IAUC 7185 for details. The host galaxy NGC 4501 is fairly nearby one (v_r is about 2500 km/s), so the expected SNeIa maximum would be order of 14 mag. Followup is urged.

Best wishes, 
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

(vsnet-alert 3085)

This SN is still rising. According to IAUC 7190, the spectrum of SN 1999cl on June 4.2 UT shows that it is of type Ia, probably before maximum. It is noted that SN is heavily extinguished by the interstellar dust. Then the CCD magnitude would be normally brighter than visual or V-band estimates.

The host galaxy NGC 4501 = Messier 88 is a Sb/c galaxy with multiple arms. The SN is on the northwestern inner arm, just outside of the bulge. G. Masi provided the precise position of SN 1999cl as: R.A. = 12h31m56s.01, Decl. = +14 25'35".3 (2000.0), which is about 45" west and 25" north from the core of the host (IAUC 7191). The DSS2 image shows the bright HII region just 5" south from the SN, which would affect the photometry or the astrometry.

Though the recession velocity is somewhat large (2030 km/s by Garnavich et al., IAUC 7190), NGC 4501 is thought to be a firm member of the Virgo cluster. Typical SNeIa in the Virgo cluster will be about 12 mag at their maximum if they aren't affected by the absorption. The color excess of SN 1999cl is reported as E(B-V) = 1.0, from which the extinction in V-band is estimated as A_V = 3.3. This value seems, however, to be somewhat overestimated, because SN 1999cl is observed as mv = 14.2 - 14.4 around June 5.0 (IAUC 7191) and V = 14.45 at June 4.94 (D. Morata, vsnet-obs 21029). The other possibility is that SN 1999cl is intrinsically brighter than the normal one. Further magnitude estimates are extremely encouraged.

Sincerely Yours,
Hitoshi Yamaoka, Kyushu Univ., Japan

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