Ouda Station

Ouda Station is located in Nara Prefecture, Japan. It is a fairly long trip from the university to the observatory, exchanging trains, taking a bus, and walk ..

Ouda Telescope

The main 60-cm telesccope. A CCD camera is attached to the Cassegrain focus.

A long night at Ouda ...

Observing environments

Climate of Ouda

Ouda town is situated just north to the O-dai-ga-Hara moutain region of Kii Peninsula, famous for its richness in rain. Observers at Ouda are often requested to be a meteorologist (and also an optimist) before being an astronomer; the time for watching clouds and occasional rain tends to be longer than that for astronomical observing (;_;). Guys be patient..

Weather information

image from Himawari

rain information (RADER AMEDAS)

weather forecast (Kinki)

weather forecast (Japan)

Some wildlife information

"Hotaru-Bukuro" (a plant Campanula punctata, photograph by Y. Tomita)"

"Hotaru" in Japanese means fireflies, "Bukuro"(Fukuro) means bags.

Wild birds of Ouda

(recorded by T. Kato)

Birds seen or heard (Mar. 10-12, 1996)

Birds seen or heard (May 15-21, 1996)

Birds seen or heard (Nov. 14-17, 1996)

Birds seen or heard (Mar. 28-Apr. 3, 1997)

Japanese pages

Link to Japanese pages (with images)

Observatories of Kyoto University (in Japanese)

Observatories (also with many photographs)


Demonstration Images

Although some programs are NEC PC-9801-specific, we hope you might enjoy included images...

Disk 1 (LHA-compressed)

Disk 2 (LHA-compressed)

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