CF Her, improved elements

(vsnet 641, Klinting, Ole)

CF Herculis, improved elements.

The mira variable CF Her has been observed by members of ASTRONOMISK SELSKAB, Denmark. From observations covering the years 1943-1995 we have derived 12 maxima (the first 6 of these were published in "Publikationer og mindre Meddelelser fra Kobenhavns Observatorium, nr. 157 (in 1952) and nr. 167 (in 1955) by Axel V. Nielsen).

All these 12 maxima are compared to the elements given in GCVS 4 (Max=34.902, P=306,2), see table below.

As the residuals are rather great in the later years I made a trend line analysis, which gave as results the following improved elements:

Max= 34.936 Period: 308,95

The residuals when compared to my new elements are also given in the table.

 Max.           Magn.    E    GCVS4    New
                                O-C    O-C

30.918          9,5     -13      -3     -2
31.227          9,7     -12      -1     -2
31.543          9,6     -11       9      5
32.462          9,5      -8      10     -2
32.773          9,7      -7      14      0
33.080          9,7      -6      15     -2
43.899  :       10,2     29     117      3
44.516          9,4      31     122      3
44.829          9,9      32     129      7
46.379  :       9,6      37     148     12
46.674          9,6      38     136     -2
49.132  :       10,3     46     145    -16

Ole Klinting


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