Satellite campaign of T Leo

(vsnet-alert 774)

Now that the T Leo satellite campaign is over, I would like to thank all those who sent me magnitudes and other reports as to the status of T Leo. Anyone wishing to include their data in the scientific paper to be written about this outburst, please forward information and / or data to the email address below.

As to the status of the satellite data, Both XTE and EUVE observed the star T Leo during the days of 20-25 Feb 1997. The data from these two satellites (covering the X-ray and EUV spectral regions) is being processed and then onto reduction and analysis. There is also IR spectra and a few other data sets in hand already from ground=based observers.

Steve Howell

 Dr. Steve B. Howell 
 Deptartment of Physics and Astronomy 
 University of Wyoming 
 P. O. Box 3905, University Station 
 Laramie, WY 82071  USA 
 Phone (307) 766-6150 
 Fax (307) 766-2652 
 ITW Homepage:

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