Superhumps in SU UMa stars

Superoutburst in SU UMa-type dwarf novae are characterized by existence of suerhumps. Superhumps resemble in shape orbital humps observed during quiescence (which are believed to arise from the hot spot where the accretion stream from the secondary collides with the accretion disk), but have a much larger (~100 times) luminosity, which amounts to an amplitude of a few tenths of magnitude during superoutbursts. This is why these humps are called "super" ones.

Most striking feature of the superhumps is found in its period: the period of light variation is a few percent longer than the orbital period of the binary determined by the radial velocity study. At present, the existence of superhumps is considered to be the definition of a superourtburst, rather than its general outburst characteristics.

TT Boo

TT Boo paper

Sample of superhumps observed at Ouda Station

CT Hya (more info.)
IR Gem
SX LMi = CBS 31 ( more info. )
V1251 Cyg (paper)
HV Vir (=Nova Vir 1929)

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