Rare outburst of S10932

(from CVC 135, vsnet-alert 855)

S10932 [UG:+E, 13.4 - 18.5p]
Tonny Vanmunster, CBA Belgium reports an outburst detection of this eclipsing dwarf nova, which is part of the Belgian CVAP. Visual confirmation has been obtained from Gary Poyner, UK. The observations are :
1997 Apr 23.889 UT,  14.1  (T. Vanmunster, unfilt. CCD, 0.25-m SCT);
     Apr 23.909 UT,  13.5  (G. Poyner, 0.40-m refl.);

According to our data in the Outburst Activity Database on Selected Cataclysmic Variables, the object was last seen in outburst on March 26, 1996 by M. Iida (CCD detection) at mag 14.6 [CVC 90]. It was a short and very faint outburst.

S10932 is located at R.A. = 12h39m32.1s, Decl.= +21d08'06" (J2000.0). One of the few references in professional literature on S10932 is IBVS 4182, in which Wenzel and Schwartz describe the object as a new eclipsing cataclysmic variable (likely a dwarf nova) below the period gap. Remark that this positions S10932 amongst the few known eclipsing dwarf novae in the northern hemisphere.

CVC 78 reports eclipse observations by the Taichi Kato and the Ouda team, Kyoto University, Japan. They observed eclipses as deep as 3.2 mag. in V, which is one of the deepest known eclipse amplitudes among outbursting dwarf novae. Kato further measured the duration of eclipses and found a value of nearly 10 minutes. Similar deep eclipses were also reported by German astronomers Peter Kroll and Gerold Richter of Sonneberg Observatory, who measured an amplitude of about 4.4 mag (R band).

An analysis by P. Kroll and G. Richter of CCD mid-eclipse observations of S10932 made at Sonneberg Observatory with a 60-cm-Cassegrain telescope from 1994, May 11 to 1996, Jan 04, and combined with observations reported by the Ouda team, yielded following mid-eclipse ephemerides : Min (HJD) = J.D. 2449486.48166 + 0.0870386727 * E".

The record of the 1996 Jan. outburst (in Japanese, posted to NIFTY FSPACE)

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