Outburst of RU LMi

(vsnet-alert 771)

RU LMi   19970308.92  14.6  outburst

Observer Timo Kinnunen (KNN)
         Espoo, Finland

Instr. 44.5 cm f/4.5 refl.

Previous information

Info from [vsnet-obs 1992] (1996 Jan. 16)

Regarding Tonny Vanmunster's outburst observation of RU LMi, I would like to add some information of this dwarf nova from the discovery paper (sorry I don't remember the name of the original reference).

RU LMi was discovered as a variable faint blue star (Ton 1143) at Tonantzintla Observatory. The following magnitude estimates were reported.

       date          mpg
   1955 Mar. 13     19.5 (POSS)
   1957 Jan. 27     17.4
             29     14.6
   1958 Jan. 13     16.5
             20     13.8
   1959 Jan. 13    [17.5
             14     14.8-14.7
             15     14.7
             19    [16.0
             29    [17.5

These values may suggest a rather high outburst frequency. Is this consistent with the results of recent monitoring? Quiescent photometry and spectroscopy are given in Howell et al. 1990 (PASP 102, 758) and Mukai et al. 1990 (MNRAS 245, 385), respectively.

Taichi Kato

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