Superoutburst of HO Del (1996 Aug. 31)

According to J. Pietz ( vsnet-obs 3600), the SU UMa-type dwarf nova HO Del is in outburst as indicated by the following observation. HO Del was first confirmed to be an SU UMa-type dwarf nova by the Ouda team during the 1994 outburst.

HO Del   1996-08-31.89   13.6

HO Del is located at:

  20h 36m 55s.56s  +14o 03' 08".5  (2000.0)
Note that the position in the second volume of the GCVS 4-th ed. is inccorect by about 1 degree (correction provided in the fourth volume).

CCD image

Superhumps in HO Del (Vanmunster)

(vsnet-obs 3632)

Dear colleagues,

We obtained 5.3 hours CCD photometry of HO Del between Sept 2.85 UT and Sept 3.07 UT, at the CBA Belgium (unfiltered 140s exposures using a 25-cm f/6.3 SCT with an SBIG ST-7 CCD). The light curve clearly shows the existence of superhumps in this system with a mean amplitude of approx. 0.09 mag. A preliminary analysis of the superhump period yields a best value of 0.064d (PDM method).

At the moment of this writing, the telescope is performing another CCD photometry run on HO Del (Sept 3/4).

Best regards,
Tonny Vanmunster
CBA Belgium

The 1994 superoutburst

(from the vsnet log)

HO Del

The V-band CCD observation on Aug. 26 at Ouda has confirmed that the above variable is a new member of SU UMa-type dwarf novae. The superhump maxima occurred at 13h 05m UT and 14h 36m UT; the superhump period is thus about 91 min. The amplitude of superhumps was 0.18 mag, probably still developping.

Taichi Kato

Moriyama's outburst record

M. Moriyama (VSOLJ), the discoverer of the 1994 outburst of HO Del, provides following record of his observations.

object:HO Del

920915 <138
920921 135
920926 140:
920929 144:
921026 <133
921028 <133
921030 <140

930822 <138
930827 <133
930907 140:
930908 142:
930910 <144
930922 <143
930926 <133
930930 <138
931008 <138
931009 <150
931011 <138
931014 <133
931025 <128

940716 <133
940824 136
940829 138
940830 139
940901 144:
940907 <133
940914 <133
940924 <133
940925 <140

Revised superhump period (1994 Aug. 27)

HO Del

New superhump times have been obtained for this new SU UMa-type dwarf nova. A refined period is given.

   Max.UT   E    O-C

   26.547   0   0.000
   26.610   1  -0.001
   27.513  15   0.002
   27.640  17   0.001
   27.701  18  -0.003

   Max.JD = Aug. 26.547 + 0.0643 E
                      (one-day aliases still acceptable)

Light curve

Light curve from VSNET reports

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