H alpha - 0.8 A Event List [Feb/1996]

NOTE1: Classification

I --- transiently-darkening feature which is not related to any pre-existing H alpha filaments
II --- transiently-darkening feature which is identified with some activation or disappearance of a pre-existing H alpha filament

A; point-like dark feature which is, in many cases, identified with a surge along the line of sight
B; linearly-growing dark feature or surge
C; in situ-darkening feature which shows no conspicuous transverse motion
D; dynamical feature which changes its position and shape
E; small flare (transiently-brightening points)
E1: one bright point
E2: two bright points
Em: multiple bright points
F; large flare (transiently-brightening ribbons)
F1: one bright ribbon
F2: two bright ribbons
Fm: multiple bright ribbons

!; intermittently spouting or recurrent features at the same location
X; not definitely classified

NOTE2: Size

S --- Small feature which is smaller than about 5x5 deg on the solar surface.
M --- Medium feature whose size is between 5x5 deg and 10x10 deg on the solar surface.
L --- Large phenomena which is larger than about 10x10 deg on the solar surface.

FMT-B-3955 19960207 03:08 03:13 N06 W13 IA S
FMT-B-3956 19960207 03:10 03:17 S03 W10 IA S
FMT-B-3957 19960207 04:08 04:23 N50 E32 IA S
FMT-B-3958 19960214 00:15 00:28 N54 E39 IA S
FMT-B-3959 19960214 02:37 02:47 N48 W06 IA S
FMT-B-3960 19960215 03:09 03:20 S05 W36 IA S
FMT-B-3961 19960215 03:09 03:23 S12 W39 IB S
FMT-B-3962 19960215 03:13 03:20 S35 W33 IA S
FMT-B-3963 19960215 03:50 04:04 S70 W15 IA S
FMT-B-3964 19960219 05:58 06:02 N25 W52 IA S
FMT-B-3965 19960219 06:12 06:25 N06 E54 IA S
FMT-B-3966 19960219 06:47 06:53 N33 W35 IA S
FMT-B-3967 19960219 07:28 07:35 S02 E17 IA S
FMT-B-3968 19960221 00:06 00:16 S48 W23 IB S
FMT-B-3969 19960221 01:00 02:40 N08 E62 IA,E1 S
FMT-B-3970 19960221 01:05 01:10 S06 W32 IA S
FMT-B-3971 19960221 02:21 02:31 N45 W07 IA S
FMT-B-3972 19960221 03:45 03:59 S24 W21 IA S
FMT-B-3973 19960222 01:12 01:31 S51 E24 IB S
FMT-B-3974 19960224 04:19 04:24 S01 W12 IA S
FMT-B-3975 19960224 04:37 04:46 N13 E10 IA S
FMT-B-3976 19960224 05:29 05:44 N12 W16 IA S
FMT-B-3977 19960224 06:05 06:15 N51 E32 IA S
FMT-B-3978 19960226 04:30 04:40 S45 W06 IB S
FMT-B-3979 19960226 ----- 05:55 N09 W19 IA S
FMT-B-3980 19960227 ----- 02:27 N05 W23 IB S
FMT-B-3981 19960227 04:00 04:21 N11 W66 IA S
FMT-B-3982 19960228 00:50 00:55 S13 E03 IB S
FMT-B-3983 19960228 03:13 03:28 S08 W51 IA S
FMT-B-3984 19960228 05:06 05:11 N41 W19 IA S
FMT-B-3985 19960228 23:26 23:29 S11 E06 IB/IIC S
FMT-B-3986 19960228 23:45 23:49 N11 E44 IA S
FMT-B-3987 19960229 00:29 00:37 S34 E10 IB S