Direct Explorations of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru M. Tamura (NAOJ), and the SEEDS team Since the first detection of exoplanets orbiting normal stars in 1995, many exciting discoveries have been made, but our understanding of planetary systems and their formation is far from complete. Armed with new coronagraph HiCIAO and new adaptive optics, we will conduct a survey searching for giant planets (1 MJ < mass <13 MJ) as well as protoplanetary and debris disks at a few to a few tens of AU region around ~500 nearby solar-type or more massive young stars. This project, SEEDS, is the first Subaru Strategic Observations. As demonstrated with recent successes of direct imaging of planetary mass objects around Vega-type A stars, direct imaging is indispensable for the detection of such "young" planets, especially planets beyond the snowline (4-40AU), which is complementary to radial velocity searches. We have conducted a thorough target selection during the last one year. In this talk, we will first overview the Subaru results with the previous coronagraph CIAO. Then we will outline the SEEDS goal, target selection processes, and expected results.