Title: A Panoramic Search for Ly-alpha Blobs at z=3 Author(s): Yuichi Matsuda (Durham University), Toru Yamada, Tomoki Hayashino, Yuki Nakamura, Katsuki Kousai, Nana Morimoto, Eri Nakamura, Mitsunori Horie (Tohoku University), Masayuki Umemura (University of Tsukuba) Abstract: We will present the recent results and the current status of our panoramic search for Ly-alpha blobs (LABs) at z=3. LABs are spatially extended Ly-alpha nebulae discovered at high redshifts. These extended Ly-alpha structures should be a good probe of the interactions between young galaxies and the surrounding intergalactic medium. Our previous LAB survey in SSA22 proto-cluster region at z=3 with Subaru/Suprime-Cam showed that LABs are not distinct but common phenomena at least in galaxy over-dense regions. However, the basic properties of LABs in general fields have still been unclear. In order to examine the basic properties of LABs (i.e., the number density, clustering properties, equivalent width, morphology, size and luminosity distribution), we have been undertaking a very deep LAB survey in extended SSA22 (the surrounding fields of the proto-cluster), GOODSN, Subaru Deep Field (SDF), Subaru-XMM Deep Fields (SXDF) at z=3. The total survey area is ~3 square degrees (the co-volume is ~2x10^6 Mpc^3), which is factors of 10 times larger than that of our previous survey. This survey allowed us to identify ~100 LABs larger than 30 kpc as well as ~10 LABs larger than 50 kpc. The local number density of LABs in the SSA22 proto-cluster is factors of 10 times larger than those in general fields. Our results suggest that giant LABs (>50 kpc) are rare population in general fields (~10^-6 Mpc^-3), and LABs have strong clustering compared to other star-forming galaxies, such as Ly-alpha emitters and Lyman break galaxies, at the same redshifts. We will also briefly introduce our new proto-cluster surveys around known giant LABs and high-z radio galaxies with giant Ly-alpha halos at z=2-5 with Suprime-Cam. infrared telescopes. Particularly, we will focus on the