Title: High Resolution Mid-Infrared Imaging of Dusty Narrow Line Regions (NLR) in Seyferts Author(s): J. T. Radomski (Gemini Obs.), C. Packham (Univ. FL), N. A. Levenson (Univ. KY) , R. E. Mason (Gemini Obs.), and C. M. Telesco (Univ. FL) Abstract: We present high angular resolution observations of nearby Seyferts which show extended mid-IR emission coincident with the NLR region. Typically this emission overlaps well with extended [OIII] as a delineation of the ionization cone associated with these active galactic nuclei (AGN). We find that the overall extent of the mid-IR emission is related to the luminosity of the central AGN and is mostly like due to dust heated by the central source. A simple model of dust re-radiation in a strong UV –field shows a similarity in properties in these dusty NLR and can be used to predict the extent of this mid-IR emission in Seyferts. Techniques for separating emission from the dusty NLR and the central dusty torus in Seyferts are also presented. By modeling and subtracting the contamination of the mid-IR emission associated with the dusty NLR, better measurements of the torus emission are made which improve modeling of such structures.