In this presentation, we will give an overview of Subaru FMOS and its current commissioning status. FMOS is a fiber-fed multi-object spectrograph, exploiting the unique combination of large light-gathering power and wide field of view at Subaru. The 400 fibers are available to configure across the 30 arcmin diameter field of view at the Subaru prime focus. The spectral coverage of the spectrograph is from 0.9 to 1.8 microns with an OH airglow suppression mechanism, which will enable one to observe major redshifted emission and absorption lines in the rest-frame optical bands from galaxies at redshifts at z>1. Since the engineering first light achieved in May 2008, we have been testing the instrument for stable and optimal operation and, in particular, the typical positional accuracy of fibers is now ~0".2 in RMS after a 15min configuration time. Recently we succeeded in observing faint objects with auto guiding as well as bright stars in cluster fields and more data will be accumulated in the forthcoming engineering runs to verify the performance. -infrared instruments on our present understanding of massive star formation will be discussed.