Title: The Search for High-Redshift Quasars with UKIDSS Author(s): Mitesh Patel, Steve Warren (Imperial College London), Daniel Mortlock (Imperial College London), Paul Hewett (Cambridge), Bram Venemans (ESO) Abstract: The UKIRT Infra-red Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) is the next generation infra-red deep sky survey. The Large Area Survey (LAS), within UKIDSS, aims to observe 4000 deg^2 in Y, J, H and K, and provides near-ir counterparts to SDSS, which are 3 magnitudes deeper than 2MASS. We present ULAS J1319+0905, the first z>6 quasar discovered in the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Large Area Survey (LAS). Optical observations of the object with GMOS on Gemini-South were used to confirm its nature, revealing strong absorption blueward of Lyman alpha at a redshift of z ~= 6.1. An accurate redshift estimate of z = 6.127 +/- 0.004 was determined by observing the MgII emission line in the near-IR with NIRI on Gemini-North. We fit a power-law continuum to the spectrum of ULAS J1319+0905, which reveals that it has similar Lyman alpha absorption properties to other z ~= 6 quasars identified in optical surveys. This suggests that subsequent high-redshift quasars discovered in near-IR sruveys like UKIDSS will be accurate probes of cosmological reionization to a redshift of 7 and beyond.