Title: The Exceptionally Bright Carbon-Enhanced Metal-Poor Star BD+44 493 Author(s): H. Ito, W. Aoki, S. Honda, and T. C. Beers Abstract: We present a 1D LTE chemical abundance analysis of the very bright (V=9.1) carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) star BD+44 493, based on high-resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra obtained with Subaru/HDS. The star is shown to be subgiant with an extremely low iron abundance ([Fe/H]=-3.7), and rich in C ([C/Fe]=+1.3) and O ([O/Fe]=+1.6). Because its neutron-capture elements are not over-abundant, BD+44 493 is a new member of the ``CEMP-no" class of stars. Its abundance pattern implies that a first-generation faint supernova is the most likely origin of its carbon excess, while scenarios related to mass loss from rapidly rotating massive stars and binary mass transfer from an AGB companion star are not favored. Based on an excellent spectrum in the UV region, we set an very low upper limit on this star's beryllium abundance (A(Be)=log(Be/H)+12<-2.0), which indicates that the decreasing trend of Be abundances with lower [Fe/H] still holds at [Fe/H]<-3.5. This is the first attempt to measure a Be abundance for a CEMP star, and demonstrates that high C and O abundances do not necessarily imply high Be abundances.