Subaru Strategic Exploration of Exoplanets and Disks with HiCIAO/AO188 (SEEDS):
YSO category Targets and status report.

T.KUDO, M.TAMURA (NAOJ), M.Takami (ASIAA), M.Momose, Y.Okamoto (Ibaraki-Univ.),
N.Kusakabe (NAOJ), S.Mayama (GUAS), T.Hioki (Kobe-Univ.),
M.Kuzuhara (Univ. of Tokyo) and SEEDS-YSO team.

SEEDS (Subaru Strategic Exploration of Exoplanets and Disks) is the first accepted
proposal as a Subaru strategic observation program with 120 allocated nights
in total for 5 years run. Our main purpose is to conduct the Subaru-HiCIAO-AO188
imaging survey, searching for giant planets (1 MJ < mass < 13 MJ) as well as
protoplanetary/debris disks at a few to a few tens of AU region
around ~500 nearby solar-type or m ore massive young stars after performance

SEEDS targets are composed of 4 major categories, including the Young Stellar
Objecs (YSO) category. We have conducted a thorough YSO target selection
during the last year. In this poster, we will outline our goal, target selection
processes, and expected results.