Title: Confronting the damping of the baryon acoustic oscillations with observations
Author(s): Hidenori Nomura, Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Gert Huetsi, Takahiro Nishimichi
We investigate the damping of the baryon acoustic oscillations
in the matter power spectrum due to the quasinonlinear clustering
and redshift-space distortions in a semi-analytic way.
This demonstrates that the damping is closely related to the
growth factor and the amplitude of the matter power spectrum.
Thus, the precise measurement of the damping might be useful
in determining the the growth factor and the amplitude of the
matter power spectrum in future.
We also investigate the damping by confronting the models with
the observations of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey luminous red galaxy sample.
The chi-squared test suggests that the observed power spectrum is better
matched by models with the damping of the baryon acoustic oscillations
rather than the ones without the damping.