Title: Suprime-cam Imaging of Extragalactic Globular Cluster Systems
Author: Lee R. Spitler

I will highlight results from an ongoing observation campaign to use extragalactic systems of globular star clusters as constraints for galaxy formation models. This work is centered upon Subaru/Suprime-cam data, acquired through the Subaru-Gemini time exchange program. Our general understanding of globular cluster (GC) systems has advanced significantly with high-quality Suprime-cam imaging. Systems of GCs formed during significant star formation events in the early Universe, thus their study can help constrain conditions present during an epoch that is observationally expensive to probe directly. With a relatively large Suprime-cam dataset of 10 early-type galaxies, we are producing constraints about the galaxy star formation and chemical enrichment histories at redshifts > 3. We have also discovered a trend that implies GCs formed in direct proportional to the total dark matter mass of their host galaxy. This relationship is independent of the type, mass and environment of the host galaxy. This means that GC system observations can constrain the total dark matter mass of individual galaxies. I will discuss efforts to test whether this trend applies for entire galaxy groups using Suprime-cam observations.