Title: The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar Lens Search
Author(s): Naohisa Inada
Abstract: We are now carrying out The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Quasar
Lens Search (SQLS), which is a lensed quasar survey using the SDSS
data. The SQLS is now recognized as the largest lensed quasar survey;
in the course of the SQLS, we have discovered 37 lensed quasars and
found 12 previously identified lensed quasars, so far. The current
main results are; 1) we have completed the largest statistical
sample of 19 lensed quasars from the SDSS Data Release Five, and
2) we have succeeded in discovering two cluster-scale lensed quasars,
J1004 and J1029, which are long-predicted but previously undetected
lensed quasars produced by massive clusters of galaxies. From our
largest statistical sample, we independently re-confirm the current
standard cosmological model, in which dark energy is dominated in our
universe. The two cluster-cluster scale lensed quasars individually
and statistically show that the CDM prediction is strongly supported
even at the galaxy cluster scale. In the SQLS, the Subaru telescope
is playing an important role, both for the new discovery itself and
for the applications of the newly discovered lensed quasars. Indeed,
the first discovery (J1004) of the cluster-scale lensed quasars has
been done with the Subaru. In addition, the great power of the Subaru
enables us to discover more than five lensed quasars in an observing
night of the recent (08B) open-use program. Furthermore, both two
cluster-scale lensed quasars have been deeply observed at the Subaru;
deep spectroscopy of J1004 represents the first spectroscopic
confirmation of the central odd lensed image of a lensed quasar
system, and the deep imaging of J1029 shows many arcs in the field.
We are planning to apply our experience in the SQLS to the future
HSC/WFMOS survey, in order to make its scientific results stronger.