Optical Followup of Far-IR/Submm Surveys: From Spitzer and SCUBA to Herschel Dave Clememnts, Markos Trichas, Michael Rowan-Robinson, Imperial College London Mattia Vaccari, Universita di Padova The SWIRE, SHADES and HerMES Consortia The Cosmic Infarred Background has shown that dust dominated galaxies play an important role in the history of the universe. However, despite major strides resulting from mid-to-far-IR and submm surveys, a full understanding of this population requires followup observations in the optical. This will be demonstrated using two test cases: GMOS optical spectroscopy of SWIRE infrared sources and the use of Subaru SXDF data for the identification and photometric redshift estimation of SCUBA submm sources. Finally the prospects for optical followup of Herschel sources from the HerMES survey will be discussed.