VSOP: Fixing the variable sky with one-shot typing of neglected variables! Authors: K. Labrie, A. Nitta, T. Dall, G. Lo Curto, C. Foellmi, E. Depagne, J. Pritchard, VSOP team Stellar variability types are assigned on the basis of lightcurve appearance, which often remains unchallenged without further observational evidence. VSOP (Variable Star One-shot Project) is a large international collaborations, which has during the past three years obtained spectra of more than 1600 stars, of which more than 900 were obtained at Gemini. Operationally this program is a completely new concept, perfectly suited for a modern, efficient observatory, providing Gemini with a large pool of filler observations perfectly suited for the queue observing model. We ask specifically to be ranked as a low priority Band 3 program, or as a bad weather program. Scientifically, our aims are: (1) obtain first spectroscopy of all unstudied variable stars in both hemispheres, (2) provide data products to the public in a fast and automatic way, (3) generate an influx of serendipitous discoveries in stellar astrophysics.