Colloquium 2012.4-2013.3, Dept Astronomy, Kyoto Univ

講師Speaker:金田 英宏 氏 (名古屋大学理学研究科)
日時:1月24日(木) 午後4時 〜
Date: Thursday, January 24th, 2013 starting at 4:00 p.m.
射によるものである。つまり、赤外線は、気相ではなく固相の星間物質 を見て
が高温に温められるため、赤外線でとても明るく光る。これまで は、そのよう
の赤外線放射は、単に星形成活動の指標、あるいは雲に隠 された若い星を見つ
強度や温度は議論されるが、その物理・化学特性が 環境でどう変化するかを詳
衛星「あかり」で感度が向上し、全天を 観測したため、超新星残骸、銀河ハ
ものから成る。これらが進化して、前者は固体惑星の形成、後者は生命 前駆体
線特性を調べることを得意としており、全天で有機物質がどのよ うに分布して
た。我々の最終目標は、「宇宙最初のダストから現在の惑 星形成まで、固体物
鏡の感度をもってしても、遠方銀河のダストの「組 成」を調べることは困難で
べることも困難である。そこで、我々が計画 を進めているSPICA衛星が登場す
を紹介するとともに、それらが SPICAへどう繋がるのかを解説する。

題目Title: The first billion years of history - star formation and the
            epoch of reionization
講師Speaker: Andrew Bunker 氏(Univ. of Oxford, Department of Physics)
日時: 12月21日(金) 午後4時 〜
Date: Friday, December 21st, 2012 starting at 4:00 p.m.
I will describe techniques to find galaxies at redshifts beyond 6
(within one billion years of the Big Bang), using Hubble Space Telescope
imaging. I will present follow-up spectroscopy from the ground and
infrared imaging with Spitzer, and will discuss the inferred star
formation rates and stellar masses. I will describe implications for the
reionization of the Universe by star-forming galaxies, and outline
potential future work with the James Webb Space Telescope.

講師Speaker: 野沢 貴也 氏 (Kavli IPMU)
日時:11月27日(火) 午後2時 〜
Date: Tuesday, November 27th, 2012 starting at 2:00 p.m.
き起こす宇宙の基本的な構成物質である。また今世紀に入ってから、宇 宙初期
ダストの凝縮・放出の物理を簡単に説明し、星間空間に供給されるダス トのサ
イズは超新星のタイプに依存し、爆発時に水素外層を持つII- P型では比較的大
小さいサイズのダストが形成されることを示す。 またこれらの小さいダスト
ないことも示す。さらに、近傍の超新星・超 新星残骸でのダスト量の観測結果

題目Title:Seeing the First Stars through 21-cm 3D Glasses
講師Speaker: Anastasia Fialkov 氏 (Tel Aviv Univ.)
日時:11月9日(金) 午後4時 〜
Date: Friday, November 9th, 2012 starting at 4 :00 p.m.
In the present era of “precision cosmology” it is crucial to understand
the early universe and to make precise theoretical predictions for
future observations.
In our work we use semi-numerical methods to study statistical
properties of the distribution of the first luminous objects. We account
for effects which were previously omitted in similar studies.
These include the relative motion between the dark matter halos and the
in-falling gas, and the negative feedback of the starlight on star
formation. Our results show that both effects have a substantial impact
on the first stars and on the prospects for observing them in the 21-cm

題目Title: The Tully-Fisher Relation: Across Morphological Types and Redshifts
講師Speaker:  Martin Bureau 氏  (University of Oxford)
日時: 7月27日(金) 午後4時30分 〜
Date:  Friday, July 27th, 2012 starting at 4:30 p.m.
The Tully-Fisher (luminosity-rotational velocity) relation is a powerful
tool to probe the evolution of galaxies, particularly their stellar
populations and dark matter content. Here, we briefly review and propose
methods to extend its use across all galaxy morphological types and to
significant redshifts. First, and although they are not
rotationally-supported, we show how good photometry and stellar
kinematics can be used to generate a Tully-Fisher relation for
early-type galaxies. This yields direct constraints on the stellar
mass-to-light (M/L) ratios and dark matter, but is very time-consuming.
We simultaneously show that spiral galaxies can not simply passively
evolve into lenticular (S0) galaxies, but must also compactify in the
process. Second, we demonstrate that CO is, unexpectedly, an excellent
kinematic tracer in early-type galaxies, and analyse potential pitfalls.
We verify that CO molecular gas can thus be used trivially for
Tully-Fisher studies across all galaxy types, and recover more
time-consuming results. Third, we describe an ongoing NANTEN2 project to
establish a reliable z=0 CO Tully-Fisher benchmark, and discuss how this
can be extended to intermediate redshifts with ALMA. We also introduce
the second generation VLT instrument KMOS, a near-infrared spectrograph
with multiple deployable integral-field units. We discuss how KMOS
guaranteed time will be used to probe the Tully-Fisher relation of disk
galaxies at intermediate redshifts, using ionised gas. A bright, renewed
future for Tully-Fisher studies thus emerges, promising studies to
significant redshifts and the elimination of the systematic errors
usually arising when comparing galaxies of different morphological types.

講師Speaker: 海老沢 研 氏 (JAXA / ISAS)
日時:7月25日(水) 午後4時 〜
Date: Wednesday, July 25th, 2012 starting at 4 p.m.
ペクトル変化を標準降着円盤モデルを用いて解釈し、それから円盤 内縁半径を
来、ブラックホール連星や活動的銀河中心核のX線スペクト ル観測から、ブラッ

対して標準降着円盤モデルを適用することによって、その正体が数百か ら数千
超高光度X線天体に移流が優勢な非標準降着円盤(スリムディス ク)モデルを適
る。もし我々が正しいとすると、「中間質量ブラック ホールは必要ない」。

ルギー側に裾を引いたように見える、特徴的な広がった鉄輝線構造が存 在す
そのスペクトルプロファイルが重力場に依存することからブラック ホールのス
を持つ多くのセイファート銀河のX線スペクトルを統一的に 解析し、実はそれら
線上を横切ることによって、見かけ上の強度とスペ クトル変化の大部分を説明
鉄輝線観測からブラックホールのスピンパラ メータは決められない」。また、


題目Title:The Oldest Explosions: Type Ia Supernova Rates from Low- and
           High-Redshift Surveys
講師Speaker: Or Graur 氏 
             (American Museum of Natural History)
日時:7月13日(金) 午後4時 〜
Date: Friday, July 13th, 2012 starting at 4 p.m.
For the past decade type Ia supernovae have been instrumental in
measuring the cosmological parameters and in revealing the accelerating
nature of the universe's expansion. And yet, we still do not know what
kind of stellar system is the progenitor of this type of supernova. In
my talk I will present three supernova surveys. Two are photometric
surveys for high-redshift supernovae, the first conducted with the
Subaru 8.2m telescope in the Subaru Deep Field, and the second with the
Hubble Space Telescope as part of the 3-year Multi-Cycle Treasury
program CLASH. The third is a spectroscopic survey that searches for
supernovae embedded in SDSS galaxy spectra. Using these supernovae, we
measure the rates of type Ia supernovae out to redshift z=2. This type
of measurement allows us to place constraints on the nature of the
progenitor system.

題目Title:A variety of Science with the Catalina Realtime Transient Survey
講師Speaker: Ashish Mahabal 氏 
             (Astronomy Department, California Institute of Technology)
日時:6月29日(金) 午後4時 〜
Date: Friday, June 29th, 2012 starting at 4 p.m.
Astronomy has come a long way from small-area focused observations of a
small set of objects to panoramic, deep, multi-wavelength survey and has
opened floodgates of discovery. This revolution has been enabled by
faster computers, by the availability of larger and cheaper storage
devices, and even more so by the advance in observing technology.
Astronomy has moved from taking static pictures of the sky to digital
movies that can be data-mined in a variety of ways.
We present an overview of the field with a special emphasis on open
surveys like Catalina Real-time Transient Survey (CRTS), modes of
communicating information about transient events so that rapid follow-up
becomes possible.
Given the large number of transients we will soon be witnessing per unit
time, deciding which transients are worth following up in detail for
rarity or new physics is an important question. We present a few
classification methods that can make this happen and the role of small
and large telescopes in the process.
Finally we present several examples of transients ranging from
interesting variable stars to blazars and AGNs.

題目Title:ALMA Cycle1 Capabilityとサイエンスケースの紹介
講師Speaker: 西合 一矢 氏
              (国立天文台 ALMA東アジア地域センター) 
日時:6月7日(木) 午後3時 〜
Date: Thursday, June 7th, 2012 starting at 3 p.m.
受付が7月12日まで行われている。初期科学運用では建 設を進めつつ段階的に観
な制限が加わる一方で、観測提案受付サイクル 毎にそれらが大きく改善してい
しかし、この(2回目の観測提案受付サイクルとなる)Cycle1 において、ALMAは
分解能、広い周波数帯域、新しい周波数帯の観測が可能 であり、新しいサイエ
測提案作成の手助けをすることを目的としている。そのため、 cycle1で観測者
に提供される観測装置や観測モードを具体例とと もに報告する。
エンス例も紹介する。本講演にひきつづき、自由参加形 式でのOTを用いた観測

題目Title:Fundamental physics with cosmic gamma rays
講師Speaker: Alessandro De Angelis 氏 
              University of Udine/INFN (guest professor at the ICRR Tokyo)
日時:5月25日(金) 午後4時 〜
Date: Friday, May 25th, 2012 starting at 4 p.m.
Language:    English
Recent results from very-high energy cosmic gamma-ray experiments are
reviewed, with emphasis on fundamental physics and search for new
particles. The prospects for next generation detectors, CTA in
particular, are outlined.

Alessandro de Angelis, professor of physics at the University of
Udine/INFN Trieste and at the Instituto Superior Tecnico of Lisboa, is
presently guest professor in the ICRR of the University of Tokyo (in the
group of professor Teshima). He is Deputy Chairman of the Collaboration
Board and Physics Coordinator of the collaboration managing the Magic
gamma-ray telescope in La Palma (Canary Islands), and member of the
collaboration managing the Fermi gamma-ray satellite. His main interests
are high-energy particle astrophysics and fundamental physics with
accelerators. After graduating and starting his activity in Padova in
1983, from 1993 to 1999 he was at
CERN in the group of Ugo Amaldi, as research associate and then staff
member, convenor of the QCD group and responsible of the software for
physics analysis of Delphi. Coming back to Italy in 1999, he moved to
astroparticle physics, participating to the projects Fermi and Magic,
and building in Udine a group giving a primary contribution to the
simulation, to the event display, and to data analysis end event
classification techniques.

題目Title:Radiative Feedback from Primordial Protostars and Final Mass
of the First Stars
講師Speaker: 細川 隆史 氏 (NASA JPL)
            Dr. Takashi Hosokawa
日時:5月15日(火) 午後2時 〜
Date: Tuesday, May 15th, 2012 starting at 2 p.m.
言語:  講演=日本語、スライド=英語
Language: Talk in Japanese, Slides in English

The first stars fundamentally transformed the early Universe by emitting
the first light and by producing the first heavy elements. These effects
were predestined by the mass distribution of the first stars, which is
thought to be fixed by a complex interplay of gas accretion and
protostellar radiation. We have performed the first
radiation-hydrodynamics simulations that follow the growth of a
primordial protostar through the early stages of a star with
thermo-nuclear burning. We show that dynamical expansion of an HII
region hinders mass accretion toward a circumstellar disk, and then the
disk is also photoevaporated by strong ultraviolet radiation from the
protostar. Mass accretion onto the protostar ceases when its mass is
several x 10 Msun. Such ``ordinary'' massive stars, in contrast to the
often postulated extremely massive stars, explain the fact that there is
no signatures of the pair-instability supernovae in abundance patterns
of the Galactic metal-poor stars. We assert that the initial mass
function of the first stars had a peak around several tens of solar
masses with tails extending to both higher and lower masses but with
few, if any, low-mass or extremely high mass stars.
>>> 概要Abstract:
>>> 宇宙初代星は100-1000太陽質量に達する大質量星であると言われてきたが、
>>> 具体的に何太陽質量の星であるかは分かっていない。これを決めるために、
>>> 輻射流体計算と原始星進化計算を組み合わせて初代星が質量降着により
>>> どこまで太れるかを初めて計算した。
>>> 計算によると、原始星の質量が大きくなると星の紫外光度が急激に大きくなり、
>>> 円盤の極方向に電離領域が成長していく。
>>> この電離領域の膨張により円盤極側のガスは吹きとばされ、
>>> 円盤自身も紫外光にあぶられて次第に蒸発していく。
>>> この輻射フィードバックの効果により原始星への降着率は大幅に低下する。
>>> この結果、星質量が数十太陽質量程度で星の成長は終わってしまうことが分かった。
>>> ちょうどこの程度の星質量は系内金属欠乏星の組成観測からも支持されている。
>>> さらに第二世代の星形成や銀河中心巨大ブラックホールの起源など
>>> 関連する話題についても議論する。

題目Title:IR Observations of AGN: Characterizing the Torus
講師Speaker: Chris Packham 氏 (University of Florida)
日時:4月12日(木) 午後2時 〜
Date: Thursday, April 12th, 2012 starting at 2 p.m.
The last decade of AGN observations has driven our
understanding of the torus size, morphology, and structure to evolve
from a large, homogenous 'doughnut' to a compact and clumpy structure
intimately linked to the accretion disc. I review the evidence that has
driven my collaborators and I to reach this conclusion, and present
tentative new results that show that the torus may show subtle
differences between AGN types. I also present early results from
polarimetry that permits measurement of the magnetic field in the torus.
